
เรื่อง เมื่อจบชั้นปีที่ 1 เมื่อจบชั้นปีที่ 2 เมื่อจบชั้นปีที่ 3 เมื่อจบชั้นปีที่ 4
L1 (Knows & Knows how) L2 (Shows how) L3 (Does) L1 (Knows & Knows how) L2 (Shows how) L3 (Does) L1 (Knows & Knows how) L2 (Shows how) L3 (Does) L1 (Knows & Knows how) L2 (Shows how) L3 (Does)
Acute infection 1.Bacteriology 2.Proper antibiotic treatment Physical examination None Anatomy and its clinical application Proper antibiotic treatment Physical examination Complication from infection Surgical drainage Proper antibiotic treatment None Prevention of complication Surgical drainage
Tendon injury Normal tendon anatomy and function Physical examination for evaluation of tendon injury None 1. anatomy and its clinical application 2. tendon healing Tendon repair Physical examination for evaluation of tendon injury Complication from tendon injury Rehabilitation after tendon repair Tendon repair None Correction of complication Rehabilitation after tendon repair
Fracture of metacarpals & phalanges Dislocation and ligament injury in digits 1. Anatomy of normal bones, joints and related muscles 2. Fracture healing Physical examination for fracture and dislocation None 1.Principle of osteosynthesis 2. Complication of fracture and dislocation in hand 1. CR/ OR IF with Kirschner wire 2. Close reduction of dislocated joint Physical examination for fracture and dislocation 1.prevention of complication 2. correction of complication (stiff, infection, nonunion) ORIF with other options (screw, plate, external fixator) 1. CR/ OR IF with Kirschner wire 2. Close reduction of dislocated joint None Correction of complication (stiff, infection, nonunion) ORIF with other options (screw, plate, external fixator)
Arthroplasty and arthrodesis in hand and wrist Anatomy & function of normal joints in hand and wrist None None Indication and contraindication for arthroplasty & arthrodesis in hands, wrist Proper position of fused joints None None Arthrodesis technique None None None Arthrodesis in hand and wrist
Carpal injury & distal radius fracture Normal anatomy and function of carpal bones and ligaments None NOne 1.Pathomechnic of an injured carpus and distal radius 2. measurement of parameter in normal wrist Physical examination in injured wrist Closed reduction of dislocated carpal joint and distal radius fracture Complication of carpal and distal radius injury 1.fixation of common carpal injury 2.fixation of distal radius fracture Physical examination in injured wrist None Correction of complication from carpal injury 1.fixation of common carpal injury 2.fixation of distal radius fracture
Distal radioulnar joint injury normal anatomy of DRUJ None None Pathomechanic of common injury to DRUJ 1.Physical examination of injured DRUJ 2. Conservative treatmet of an injured DRUJ None None Principle & option for surgical treatment 1.Physical examination of injured DRUJ 2. Conservative treatmet of an injured DRUJ Reconstruction of DRUJ surgical treatment surgical treatment
Fracture and dislocation of elbow and forearm Normal anatomy and function of elbow and forearm None None Elbow tendinopathy Close reduction dislocated joints in elbow and forearm ,Physical examination after closed reduction None,Closed reduction of elbow dislocatiom 1.Elbow instability 2.Disorder of forearm axis Surgical treatment elbow tedinopathy ORIF forearm fracture, proximal ulnar,Local injection in elbow tendinopathy 1.stiff elbow 2. elbow arthroscopy 3. elbow arthroplasty management of complex elbow injury ORIF distal humerus, radial head fracture
Periperal nerve Normal anatomy of nervous system Physical examination in peripheral nerve None Basic knowledge of 1.compressive neuropathy 2.nerve injury Common surgical treatment for common compressive neuropathy Diagnosis and grading of nerve injury Treatment for disability after nerve injury 1. tendon transfer 2. nerve transfer Nerve repair, nerve repair monitering and rehablilitation Common surgical treatment for common compressive neuropathy None common tendon transfer for nerve injury Nerve repair,nerve repair monitering and rehabilitation
Pediatric hand Embryology of the upper extremity None None Fracture in upper extremity in children Conservative treatment for upper extremity fracture None 1.Pediatric BPI 2.Common deformity of thumb and fingers Surgical management of common fracture around elbow Conservative treatment for upper extremity fracture 1.common deformity of wrist and forearm 2.congenital contracture Management for 1.common deformity in upper extremity 2. Pediatric BPI Surgical management of common fracture around elbow, forearm, hand
Bone and soft tissue reconstruction Basic knowledge of tissue healing None None Healing of skin graft Skin grafting None Basic microsurgery Local flap coverage of the hand Skin grafting Free skin and composite flap 1.Non microsurgical coverage of upper extremity 2. replantation Local flap coverage of the hand
Other disorders 1.Amputation 2.Compartment syndrome None None 1.Biopsy and excision principle 2.complex regional pain syndrome 3.tendinopathy in hand 1.Fasciotomy for compartment syndrome 2. amputation None 1.Common hand tumors 2.Rhuematoid arthritis effecting hand problems 1.Incisional & excision biopsy 1.Fasciotomy for compartment syndrome 2.amputation Management rhuematoid problems in hand None 1.Incisional & excision biopsy 2.Benign tumor excision
Fingertip injury Definition and basic anatomy none none nailbed injury and complications Treatment of nailbed injury none Management of soft tissue defect Local flap coverage of the hand Nail bed repair None none Local flap coverage of the hand