Orthopaedics Basic science

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(Knows & Knows how)
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(Knows & Knows how)
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(Knows & Knows how)
(Shows how)
ATLS included Torso-abdomen, kidneys and head injuries   Initial assessment and managementSecondary survey, head to toe exam, patient transferSpinal Immobilization      
    Airway and ventilatory managementPrimary survey x-raysSpinal assessment/x-rays      
    Abdominal and pelvic shock Application of pelvic binder      
    Thoracic trauma        
    Trauma – head, spine, musculoskeletal        
    Cricothyroidotomy/chest decompression/pericardiocentesis        
Metabolic Response to Injury   Feature of Metabolic response to injury  Complication after Treatment     
    Prevention and Treatment        
Surgical Infection   PathophysiologyAntibiotics (Usage and Hazards) Complication after Treatment     
    Clinical Presentation and Physical Examination        
    Patient Evaluation and Investigation        
    Prevention and Treatment        
Wound Healing and Wound Care   PathophysiologySutures and Implant in Surgery Complication after Treatment of Wound and Burn Wound     
    Patient Evaluation and Investigation        
    Wound Care        
    Physiologic Response from Burn and the Management        
    Burn Wound Care        
Basic Principles of the Tissue Transplantation   Basic Principles of the Tissue Transplantation        
    Clinical Application        
Surgical Safety and Quality   Surgical Safety Checklist        
    Sign In        
    Time Out        
    Sign Out        
Thromboembolic Disease   Pathophysiology  Prophylaxis and Treatment     
    Clinical Presentation and Physical Examination  Complication after Treatment     
    Radiographic Evaluation        
Fat Embolism Syndrome   Pathophysiology  Treatment and Complication     
    Clinical Presentation and Physical Examination        
    Patient Evaluation        
The Biologic Response to Orthopaedic Implants   Implant Fixation and Osteointegration   Application of orthopaedic implants    
    Factors Enhancing Implant Osteointegration        
    Adaptive bone loss and potential therapies       
    Biology of the Osteolytic Cascade       
    Potential therapies for inflammatory bone loss       
    Anti-inflammatory strategies        
    Metal ion release, sensitivity, immune response and compatability      
    Response to autograft and allograft       
Infection in Orthopeadics   Principle of Orthopedics Infection (Terminology) – Treatment OMProphylactic ATB Treatment of Total Joint Arthorplasty   
    Huematogenous OM  Infection and Total Joint Arthorplasty    
    Postroumatis OM        
    Host Response to OM        
    Clinical , Diagnosis OM        
Rheumatology   – Diagnosis test/Procedure in Rheumatic disease – Spondyloarthropathies– Arthrocentesis and Injection of Joint and   
    – Modalities of Therapy in 1 Rheumatic disease Inflection and ArthritisSoft tissue    
    – Rheumatoid Arthritis        
    – Rheumatoid Arthritis        
    – Spondylo arthropathie       
Orthopedics basic science related to physical medicine and rehabilitation· Principle of electrodiagnosis/ nerve conduction studies · Spinal orthosis       
Electromyography/nerve conduction velocity· Indication for electrodiagnosis / timing for evaluation · Upper extremities/Lower extremities orthosis      
 · Terminology: SNAP, CMAP, amplitude, latency  · Lower extremities prosthesis      
 · Interpretation of EMG/NCV in CTS, BPI (pre ganglionic, post ganglionic), Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, Cubital tunnel syndrome· Principle of amputation, stump care      
 · Common variation of nerve (Martin-Gruber anastomosis) · Common Brace, Splint, Support      
     · Normal gait cycle       
     · Common pathologic gait in orthopedics      
      · Gait aid: crutches, cane, walker      
      · Walk pattern      
      · Length adjustment      
    · Anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and sport medicine related to exercises      
    · Pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of common sport injuries      
    · Sport nutrition        
    · Doping        
    · Therapeutic exercise        
     · คำจำกัดความกลไกของความเจ็บปวด พยาธิสรีรวิทยาของความเจ็บปวดเฉียบพลัน เรื้อรัง ความเจ็บปวดประเภทต่าง ๆ (somatic pain, visceral pain, nociceptive pain, neuropathic pain: chronic regional pain syndrome, phantom limb pain)
     · การรักษา       
     o การใช้ยา ข้อบ่งชี้ ข้อควรระวัง และข้อห้ามของการใช้ยาแก้ปวดต่าง ๆ local anesthetics, opioids, NSAIDs, analgesics, muscle relaxants วิธีการบริหารยา ภาวะไม่พึงประสงค์ ภาวะแทรกซ้อน และ drug interaction ของยาแก้ปวดต่าง ๆ
     o การรักษาที่ไม่ใช้ยา       
     § การใช้ Physical modalities ต่าง ๆ ในการลดปวด      
Bone Biology and Engineering   · Bone biology of osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts · Bone graft substitutes and growth factors    
    · Biology of fracture healing        
    · Biological requirement for skeletal tissue repair (progenitor cells and matrix)      
    · Molecules involved in chondrogenesis and osteogenesis       
    · Bone tissue engineering        
Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis   · Incidence, epidemiology, risk factors       
    · Etiology and pathogenesis        
    · Articular cartilage degeneration and osteoarthritic change       
    · Joint injury and posttraumatic osteoarthritis       
    · Principal of medical therapy       
Articular Cartilage Repair and Regeneration   · Articular cartilage damage  · Treatment option for damaged or lost cartilage    
    · Natural healing response  · Strategies for cartilage repair (abrasive arthoplasty, microfracture, implantation of cells, tissue, and synthetic materials) 
    · Concept of joint homeostasis · Osteochondral grafts/ transplants (mosaicplasty, osteochondral transplants)   
    · Evaluation of treatment outcomes (clinical, arthroscopic, histologic evaluation)      
Proper peroperative managementgeneral preoperative evaluation and management          
 – specific disease or problem in preoperative evaluation and management         
  + diabetes           
  + hypertension           
 =+ connective tissue disease eg:rheumatoid arthritis           
 =+ liver disease, cirrhosis           
 =+ kidney disease, chronic renal failure           
 =+ extremely elderly           
 =+ immunocompromised host, steroid using          
 =+ patient with associated trauma (brain, chest, abdomen)           
 =+ critically ill patient           
Choice of anesthesia– appropriate select choice of anesthesiaregional anesthesia-endotracheal tube         
 – principle of general anesthesia (GA)=+ spinal anesthesia– other local anesthesia eg: digital block        
 =+ gases and its used=+ brachial block          
 =+ indication and contraindication           
 =+ complication and management           
 -principle of regional anesthesia (RA)          
 =+ anesthetic agent           
 =+ indication, contraindication and complication           
Proper postoperative care– immediate postoperative care in recovery room          
 – postoperative fluid therapy           
 – blodd component therapy           
Pain therapyacute pain management           
 =+ posteoperative pain           
 =+ posttraumatic pain           
 – chronic pain management           
 =+ cancer related pain           
 =+ chronic pain           
 =+ postamputation pain           
 -complication and management of pain medication overdose         
Management of critically ill patientprinciple of critical carecentral line access          
 – Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)– ventilator adjustment          
 – preoperative and postoperative care