2006 (4)



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2006 (4)

1. Early outcomes following minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty using a two-incision approach versus a mini-posterior approach. Tanavalee, A., Jaruwannapong, S., Yuktanandana, P., Itiravivong, P. HIP International 2006

2. Resurfacing the degloved thumb up to the interphalangeal joint level with twin extended neurovascular island flaps. Kitidumrongsook, P., Patradul, A., Pataradool, K. Journal of Hand Surgery. 2006.


3. Early outcomes following minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty using a two-incision approach versus a mini-posterior approach : Tanavalee A, Jaruwannapong S, Yuktanandana P, et al.  HIP INTERNATIONAL Volume: 16 Issue: 2 Pages: S17-S22 Supplement: Suppl. 4 Published: APR-JUN 2006

4. End-to-side nerve grafting of the tibial nerve to bridge a neuroma-in-continuity. James M. Kerns, Ph.D., Eduard H. Sladek, M.D., Tejashree S. Malushte, M.S., Harold Bach, M.D., Bassem El-hassan, M.D., Pravit Kitidumrongsook, M.D., Jeffrey S. Kroin, Ph.D., Susan Shott, Ph.D., George Gantsoudes, B.S., Mark H. Gonzalez, M.D. Microsurgery. 2007;27(2):152.